Ashram Observances

The Ashram celebrates various observances throughout the year.  Please reach out to us at [email protected] for more information on how you can observe and honor these sacred times.

All dates & times are for the Pacific time zone.

Shivaratri March 8
Spring (Chaitra) Navaratri April 9 to April 16 (Astami: April 15)
Alms Day July 4
Guru Purnima Celebration July 21
Foundation Day September 21
Fall  (Sharada)  Navaratri October 3 – October 11 (Astami: October 10)
Diwali October 31
Mahasamadhi Week: November 21-28
Mahasamadhi Day – November 28
Sadhana & Seva Day December 21


Navaratri an astrologically auspicious period honoring the Divine Feminine, celebrated in the Spring and Fall each year.  Across India, Navaratri is observed in many different ways depending on the local culture.  At our Ashrams, we carve out this sacred time to go deeper in our personal spiritual practice (sadhana) by observing silence and other austerities and by meditating on the various forms of the Divine Mother.  You can read more about Navaratri here.

Mahasamadhi Week

Aghoreshwar Bhagwan Ramji left His body on November 28, 1992.  During this sacred week each year, we honor him with evening chanting and satsang.
When a realized saint leaves the body, we celebrate their Divine Presence becoming available to all.  No longer limited to the human form, they remain available to us on a subtle level, continuing to give their compassionate help to those who turn to them.

Learn more about Maha Samadhi:
Babaji’s satsang on Mahasamadhi (2018)
Babaji’s satsang on Mahasamadhi (2016)

Guru Purnima

Celebrated during on the full moon in the month of Ashadha in the vedic calendar (usually in July or August), Guru Purnima is a special day set aside for honoring the Guru.  It is the perfect reminder of the fullness we experience when we are aligned with that which is highest within ourselves, our highest ideals and divine qualities.  On this day, we invite the entire Guru family to visit the Ashram for activities, including special pujas, darshan time with Babaji, chanting, and satsang – the company of good people!

Foundation Day

On this day we commemorate the founding of Sonoma Ashram.

Alms Day

When Babaji started his spiritual journey, his Guru told him that he would need to leave his home and go with nothing to a place where no one knew him.  If he received food after 3 days, he would know that his journey was blessed.  When Babaji landed in Sonoma, after leaving everything he knew behind, he spent 2 days without food or a place to sleep.  On the third day he was offered food for the first time.  As his Guru had told him, he understood that it was the Divine Mother herself who offered him food an blessed his spiritual journey. This is what we celebrate on Alms Day.

Other Observances

Throughout the year, we invite the community to gather for other traditional observances, including: Diwali, Thanksgiving, New Years Eve, and Shivaratri, among others.

Please contact [email protected] for more information.


Live webcasts of Babaji’s Sunday satsangs at Sonoma Ashram, available on our website.

Archived audio and video recordings of Babaji’s Sunday satsangs, also available on our website.

Archived newsletters, teachings and digital downloads.


Stay connected with the Ashram and Babaji’s teachings.