What's Happening!

Navaratri – Saturday March 29th to Sunday April 6th

Navaratri is coming! On Saturday March 29th, our bi-annual observance of Navaratri begins. As the seasons merge, there is a special energy that is available to assist us with any goal or aspiration. By engaging in a focused practice at this time, we have an opportunity to experience something different from our mundane lives and to connect with that Great Unknown, called by so many different names, in all of the different traditions.

Ashram Navaratri Schedule
8AM – Morning Puja & Satsang
2PM – Guru Gita Chanting
6PM – Evening Puja & Satsang

Babaji’s Navaratri satsangs (talks) will be posted on our website every day and can be accessed here. The satsangs will also be posted on our podcast: “Baba Harihar Ramji’s Navaratri Satsangs” which is accessible through many podcast services.

Babaji’s Message & Blessing for the New Year 2025

Each year at the Ashram, we choose a single word to inspire and guide us in the year ahead. For 2025, our word is: health.

Health is our greatest wealth. If our health is not good, everything else becomes meaningless.

In the year ahead, I hope you can take some time to nurture yourself by establishing a healthy daily routine. Choose nourishing foods, go out for a walk, do some yoga – it can be anything. Whatever you do, know that you are doing it to honor and love yourself.

When we are happy, when we are healthy, wherever we go, we see good and we create goodness around us. It is through honoring ourselves that we can truly be of service in the world and live a meaningful life.

My Blessings to you and your loved ones for a happy and healthy new year.

You can find Babaji’s 9 Point Daily Routine here!

New Year’s Eve at the Ashram

We welcome you to join us throughout the evening to enter the new year in sacredness.

7PM – 11PM: Annual Ritual

Participate in our annual ritual throughout the evening. Let go of that which is not serving and set your intention for the year ahead.

11:30PM – 12:15AM: New Years Eve Satsang & Meditation

End 2024 in satsang and enter the New Year in silence from the stillness of the temple.

Babaji in India 2025

Babaji will be residing at Aghor Foundation, Bal Ashram in Varanasi, India through mid March.  If you would like to schedule a visit to the Ashram during his visit, please email: [email protected].

Daily Schedule
8 AM:  Morning Meditation
10 AM – 12 PM:  Darshan Time
3 – 5 PM:  Darshan Time
6 – 7:30 PM: Arati, Chanting & Satsang

Maha Samadhi Day Temple Inauguration – Thursday 11/28 at 11AM

Please join us on the sacred occasion of Maha Samadhi for the installation of our new temple. On this day when Aghoreshwar Bhagwan Ram left his body, we celebrate & honor his presence in our lives and inaugurate the Ashram’s newest temple. There will be a special ceremony of Pran Pratishtha, infusing life force into the new Shivaling statue followed by Rudrabhishek, a puja to honor the established Shivaling.

Please join us at 11AM for the ceremony! The Ashram will be open throughout the day. We invite you to come and enjoy the grounds & the special energies of the occasion.

Sacred Air Yoga Retreat – Thriving in Vata Season

Saturday, November 16th – 10AM – 3:30PM

Join ashram resident Charlotte for a day-long yoga retreat focused on moving mindfully into the changing season. We will honor the increased air element through a gentle yet warming yoga practice, a vata-balancing lunch, heart-centered yoga nidra, and devotional chanting (kirtan). Discover Ayurvedic wisdom for thriving through the colder months and yogic practices that will warm your body and open the heart.

Click here for for more information and registration details:  Sacred Air

Navaratri – Thursday, October 3rd to Friday, October 11th

Navaratri is coming! On Thursday October 3rd, our bi-annual observance of Navaratri begins. As the seasons merge, there is a special energy that is available to assist us with any goal or aspiration. By engaging in a focused practice at this time, we have an opportunity to experience something different from our mundane lives and to connect with that Great Unknown, called by so many different names, in all of the different traditions.

Ashram Navaratri Schedule
8AM – Morning Puja & Satsang
2PM – Guru Gita Chanting
6PM – Evening Puja & Satsang

Babaji’s Navaratri satsangs (talks) will be posted on our website every day and can be accessed here. The satsangs will also be posted on our podcast: “Baba Harihar Ramji’s Navaratri Satsangs“, accessible through many podcast services.

Sonoma Ashram Foundation Day – Saturday, September 21 2024

Please join us in honoring the foundation of our Ashram!

7 – 8 AM: Meditation & Morning Arati

8 – 9 AM: Flag Ceremony followed by Babaji’s Satsang

9 -10 AM:  Chai & Prasad

Death Café

Join us for monthly Death Cafés ~ intimate conversations about death and dying

Dates: Sundays Sept 8; Oct 13; Nov 10; Dec 15

Death is part of life, many of us have been conditioned to ignore it or even to deny it. If you are in a place in your life where death and dying has filtered into your consciousness, and you find it difficult to talk about, you are not alone. We invite you to bring whatever you may think, feel, believe, or imagine about dying and death into the circle, for the purpose of living a full life.

Lisa Winston will be your facilitator as we gather to share open, brave and intimate conversations about death. We will meet once a month at Sonoma Ashram, with open hearts, open minds, respect for all, and with no specific agenda. Death Café gatherings are free, and, you are welcome to make a donation to Sonoma Ashram.

Guru Purnima 2024 Slide Show

Sonoma Ashram Guru Purnima 2024

Guru Purnima is a special day set aside each year for honoring and celebrating the presence of the Guru in our lives. This year we had many join us throughout the day, from near and far, to celebrate this special day.

Please click here for a glimpse of our Guru Purnima celebration this year:

Guru Purnima Slideshow


Digital Detox and Deep Listening Retreat

Thurs Sept 12th to Sun Sept 15th

Step away from your devices & reconnect with self, others and nature on a deeper level.

Contact mshannonkelly@gmail.com for more information.

Yoga y Meditación en Español – Sábado 8AM

Todos estan cordialmente invitados juntamente con sus familias y amigos a la clase de yoga y meditación en español que ofrecerá Daniel semanalmente en el ashram.

Every Saturday: 8AM – 9AM

Sadhana & Seva Work-Study Program

Discover the power of sadhana (spiritual practice) and seva (selfless service) at Sonoma Ashram. This unique program is designed to impart techniques for managing stress and anxiety and helping individuals find balance, meaning and purpose in their day-to-day life. The program covers Aghor yoga philosophy, meditation, pranayama (mindful breathing), and asana (physical yoga practice) techniques, enhanced by lessons in Sanskrit and Ayurveda, all within the rich context of the Aghor tradition.

Duration: 1, 2 or 3 Months

Tuition: $1,500/month (incl. vegetarian meals and hostel-style accommodation. Partial scholarships are available.)

Start Dates: September 15th, 2024 or April 15th, 2025

You will leave the program established in a healthy daily routine and a non-dogmatic practical spiritual practice that is good for the body, mind and spirit. It is the combination of the two that allows an individual to maintain and balance a busy lifestyle without losing stability.

Click here for more information: Sadhana & Seva Work Study Program

ART with Koushalya

Every Thursday! 4pm

We invite you to join Koushalya for multi-media art experiences that focus on activating the nerve pathways between our fingertips and brain.

Activities can be enjoyed by ALL AGES and will include finger painting, mala making, traditional rangoli making.

Contact [email protected] for more information

Subtle Energetics Yoga Workshop

Saturday August 3rd – 10am – 4pm

Take a deep dive into your subtle body with this integrative yoga workshop focusing on energetic practices to enhance your yoga routine.

With over 25 years of teaching experience, Carrie Tyler has an in-depth understanding of anatomy, alignment, and yoga philosophy.

Contact [email protected] for more information


Live webcasts of Babaji’s Sunday satsangs at Sonoma Ashram, available on our website.

Archived audio and video recordings of Babaji’s Sunday satsangs, also available on our website.

Archived newsletters, teachings and digital downloads.


Stay connected with the Ashram and Babaji’s teachings.